Alberto Dal Ferro
Lawyer authorised to practice before the Higher Courts

Certified e-mail (Pec)

+39 0444 541884

Areas of expertise

Competition Law
(cartels, abuses of power, State Aid)

EU Civil Service Law

International Trade Law

Diritto dell'Unione europea - Antitrust
European Union Law - Antitrust
Contenzioso giudiziale nazionale e internazionale
National and International disputes
Diritto Amministrativo
Administrative Law
Proprietà intellettuale e Nuove Tecnologie
Intellectual Property and ICTs
Diritto civile d'impresa
Civil Law for Business
Diritto Societario e Operazioni Straordinarie (M&A)
Corporate law and extraordinary transactions (M&A)
Procedure concorsuali e Ristrutturazione del debito
Insolvency proceedings and debt restructuring
Arbitrato e Mediazione
Arbitration and Mediation

Professional Activity
I mainly deal with European Law and International Trade Law issues. I assist both private and business clients on issues such as competition, vertical and horizontal agreements, state aid and international contracts. I handle cases regarding the free movement of people, goods, services and other related issues. More broadly, I work in European Union Law areas, which I was able to study in depth thanks to my experiences at the Research and Documentation Service of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg.
I also assist European institutions and bodies (with which I have been working since the beginning of my professional career) in legal disputes before the national jurisdictions and the European Court of Justice, in matters of competition, state aid, EU civil service, debt collection both in and out-of-court, agriculture, and EU financing. A complete list of disputes in which I have taken part as a lawyer is available on the InfoCuria of the Court of Justice of the European Union).
I have participated as a lecturer at various conferences on EU law.
I am a founding partner of DFA.

Italian, French, English

University of Padova

Degree in Law (1982)

Degree in Political Science (1985)

Dal Ferro A., La Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea: Corte costituzionale o Corte suprema?, in Gattinara G., Pappalardo F. (eds.), L’Europa dei Diritti, Donzelli, 2014
Dal Ferro A., La tutela dei singoli nel sistema dei Trattati europei, in Gattinara G., Pappalardo F. (eds.), L’Europa dei Diritti, Donzelli, 2014
Campesan A., Dal Ferro A., La responsabilità dello Stato per la violazioni degli obblighi ad esso incombenti in forza del diritto comunitario alla luce della sentenza Francovich, in Rivista di diritto Europeo, 1992, 2