Cesare Filippo Diego Cabrini

Certified e-mail (Pec)

+39 0444 541884

Areas of Expertise

International Trade Law

Industrial Law

Procedure concorsuali e Ristrutturazione del debito
Insolvency proceedings and debt restructuring
Diritto Societario e Operazioni Straordinarie (M&A)
Corporate law and extraordinary transactions (M&A)
Arbitrato e Mediazione
Arbitration and Mediation
Diritto civile d'impresa
Civil Law for Business
Compliance Aziendale Privacy e modelli organizzativi
Privacy compliance and “231” organizational models
Contenzioso giudiziale nazionale e internazionale
National and International disputes
Contrattualistica Commerciale Internazionale e nazionale
International and national commercial contracts
Proprietà intellettuale e Nuove Tecnologie
Intellectual Property and ICTs

Professional Activity
My practice is centered on International Trade Law, Corporate Law and Industrial Law.
Over the years I have accumulated a solid foundation in the management of extraordinary transactions of reorganization, mergers and acquisitions, as well as transactions involving insolvency procedures.
I have handled several cases involving judicial activities for disputes relating to corporate law, international trade and/or industrial law and in these matters I have also been appointed as arbitrator.
I became partner of DFA in January 2005.

Italian, English

University of Padova
Post-grad course on International Trade Law (1997)

University of Padova
Law degree (1996)