DFA Law Firm would like to express its solidarity to all individuals involved in the emergency situation caused by COVID-19 outbreak and to truly thank all healthcare staff members who, in these days, are working hard to get rid of this problem.
We want to reassure our clients, informing them that we are closely following the developments of the measures adopted by the Government insofar as they concern the suspension of judiciary activities, and especially litigation pending before Italian courts. You will receive updates on the adjournment or postponement of hearings or other judiciary required activities.
Thankfully, our profession allows us to be operational both in Italy and abroad, above all thanks to technology, in compliance with the measures adopted and suggested by the governmental bodies, therefore we remain at disposal for any need.
Hoping that this could be useful to many Italian people, we spread the voice about the initiative Solidarietà Digitale taken by the Ministry for Technological Innovation and Digitalisation, supported by the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, which until yesterday, March 9th, granted businesses and individuals living in the “red zones” to profit, free of charge, from some useful services such as the smart working platforms, mobile and Internet traffic, certified emails, and the possibility to freely access video and editorial contents.
The Ministry is currently negotiating with the adhering companies and associations in order to redefine said services, which could shortly be offered on a wider scale and with different modalities.
This time, not to stop means being part of a community, abiding by the rules, but also making anything possible to be of service to those in need.
This is our social and civic responsibility.