DFA Law Firm is operational, remotely working and with an extremely limited physical attendance in the office, because we also prefer staying at home.
We do that because it is a sign of civil responsibility and we must pay respect to all those, in these days and in these hours, are suffering from the illness or grieving the loss of loved ones. To those, we especially express all our closeness and solidarity.
We also owe it to all those that, from any hospital ward, are strenuously working to save us all. Thanks, from the bottom of our hearts, to all health professionals who are risking their own safety so that no single individual will still fall victim.
We would like to spread the news about a solidarity initiative to the benefit of the healthcare structures in Vicenza, town in which we established our headquarters and from where many of us come.
You can make an online donation to Fondazione San Bortolo (or by means of bank wire – IBAN: IT90X 03069 11894 10 000 000 2765) which has been supporting Vicenza Hospital since many years and that, in this sensitive moment, is devoting its efforts in collecting funds for facing the Covid-19 emergency.
For donations to other Italian healthcare structures a list of active fund collections is available on the platform Gofoundme.
Alternatively, it is still possible to make a donation in favour of the Italian Civil Protection (IBAN IT84 Z030 6905 0201 0000 0066 387) or to Veneto Region (IBAN IT 71 V 02008 02017 000105889030) by means of bank wire.
You can read extra instructions to make bank wires or online donations by clicking on the above hyperlinks.
In this respect, we remind that pursuant to section 66 of the Italian Law Decree No. 18 of 17 March 2020 (the so-called “Cura Italia” Decree), charitable donations, in cash or in kind, in support of measures for the fight against the Covid-19 emergency, which are made in 2020 by individuals and non-commercial entities in favour of the State, Italian regions, local entities, public entities or institutions, legally-recognised non-profit foundations and associations, aimed at the financing of interventions for the limitation and management of the pandemic emergency are deductible from gross tax to the extents of the income tax, equal to 30%, for an amount lower than 30.000 euro.
Besides, should the said donations be made by undertakings, they would also be deductible from the business income according to section 27 of Italian law of 13 May 1999, No. 133.
Since we understand the difficulties which undertakings are experiencing in these hard times, to do its bit, DFA Law Firm keeps on abiding by the applicable legal provisions and is at the same time available to those who needs our advice.
Fortunately, our profession allows us to be of help and contactable remotely as well, therefore our administration is operating on smart working mode during normal business hours and we still answer to assistance requests.
Never before, a single minimal, but collective, contribution can make a massive difference.
Thank you.
#westayhome #farbuttogether #everythingwillbeok
#restiamoacasa #distantimauniti #andratuttobene